Take a look at some of my work
Agents of Change Course
Create a course based on WAGGGS Be the Change 2030
Image designs
Creation of different activities and resources
Course structure and logic framework.
To create the course I used different different digital apps
( canva, menti, youtube, izzy)
The course was created in Moodle. I shared this course with my MO and offer them to create something similar, we just started some converations to see if we can use it in our Association,
Core Mision Project- México
WAGGGS Volunteer
Offer support to a Member Organization (MO) that requested it
Coordinate meetings to understand the MO needs.
Help the organization to define objetives and desierd outcomes.
Lead an international team in order to develop four online workshops.
To develop the workshops we used different digital apps (jambord, menti, genialy, google presentations, padlet)
In order to offer a space to collect information and interact with the audience we created a micro site using Genially.
CED Site ID process guide
Program Assistant
Create a reference document to guide the site identifcation process
Define the content estructure for the guide​​
Define a timetable for each meeting and include participatory activities
Create a document that is atractive and useful for the staff
The Site id guide was created using Canva, it looks modern and simple it has a nice design using the Angency colors. The content is organized, simple and relevant.
Basic Lettering Course
Program Assistant
Create a course on Learning Space applying the knowledge gained during the training.
Define the topic to develop the content
Identify the best tools to present the content
Create resources to present the content
To design and develop the course I used Moodle and all the tools that it offers.
To create the content I designed really nice presentations using canva and included other relevant videos from youtube.